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Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Stuff That Works

I have tools in a semi-organized rolling toolbox; sockets in a drawer, box end wrenches are in another drawer. There is a screwdriver drawer and a pliers drawer. And, in the shed beside the windmill there is a five gallon bucket with two eighteen inch pipe wrenches (one with a piece of pipe for a handle) and several pairs of vice grips and a special C-clamp that I made for pipe.

 All my tools are useful. Some are used more than others. None are just "for show." My religion is like that too. Shucks, I've got more degrees than a thermometer. I have theology. And I have “a five gallon bucket of daily walking with Jesus.” It’s not for show. It is for the “work” of real life. There is a Guy Clark song that goes … "Stuff that works, stuff that holds up; the kind of stuff you don't hang on the wall; stuff that's real, stuff you feel; the kind of stuff you reach for when you fall." Walking with Jesus Christ is that kind of stuff.

Bro Bob

Monday, January 27, 2020

Someone Missed His Nap

“Someone missed his/her nap.” We used to say that about cranky children. We now say it about friends our age when they are out of sorts. The writer of the New Testament letter to the Hebrews tells his readers to be careful to not miss the rest God has for them. The rest God offers in Christ is to save us from the frustration of living life solely by our own strength and our own efforts. And, the ultimate frustration is that if we live our earthly life without resting by faith in Jesus, we will live in eternity experiencing God’s wrath rather than His peace. There is a rest we dare not miss.

Bro Bob Hendrick

Monday, January 13, 2020

Are You Experiencing Hearing Difficulties Or Listening Difficulties?

Many people my age (middle aged if we are going to live to 130+) have hearing difficulties. There are aids to help remedy hearing problems. But, what I often encounter and sometimes experience is not what would be labeled “hard of hearing” but what would more accurately be called “hard of listening.” There is no surgery, prosthesis, or appliance to fix hard-of-listening. And that is a shame because some of what goes in one ear and out the other carries news of blessing and life or warning of eternal consequences. The author of the Epistle of Hebrews cautions his readers to pay attention lest they miss blessing and eternal life that is only in the Son.

Bro Bob Hendrick