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Sunday, April 26, 2009

Not Orphans God the Holy Spirit John 14:16-18 (part 1)

For a couple of Sundays we will look at what is revealed about God the Holy Spirit in the gospel of John. To some Christians, the Holy Spirit is the coach who determines who is “first team” and who is “scrubs.” Some believe that someone can be a child of God without being made so by the Holy Spirit, thus the question of whether a believer is spirit-filled or spirit-baptized. And then there is the question of spiritual gifts. All these topics are not dealt with in the Gospel of John, but the function of the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit, is described and displayed in John's Gospel.

Thus we will see that God-the Holy Spirit:


Where is the lamb?” John 1:29-34

  • The Holy Spirit gave permanent proof that Jesus was the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

    • John recognized Him before the Spirit descended in a visible form - Matthew 3:14

      • John was filled with the Holy Spirit from before his birth Luke1:15, 41

    • The Spirit descended (Mark1:8; Matthew3:11; Luke3:16) and remained on Jesus –

      John 1:32

  • The witness of the Spirit gave John the baptizer the confidence and the inspiration to proclaim that Jesus is the Lamb of God – Not just once – John 1:29, 36

  • The witness of the Holy Spirit gave John assurance of validity of his ministry. “This is he of whom I said...”v.30

    • Old Testament Holy Spirit experience:

      • Given to those whom God would use to lead or defend His chosen people. Not necessarily people who were in a sold-out relationship with God. Numbers 11:16-30(elders of the exodus); 1Samuel19:19-24(Saul's flunkies and Saul)

        • These guys preached the glory of God – the Holy Spirit always testifies of God as redeemer and deliverer.

      • The Spirit of God was placed upon and removed from individuals

        Judges15:14, 16:20(Samson); Psalm51:11(David)


  • Only those who have the indwelling Holy Spirit and who obey the truth can worship God acceptably. v.24 (“for God is Spirit...” therefore we can see that the Holy Spirit is God- not just an impersonal “force”)

    Also Romans 8:5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.”

  • True worship, led by the Spirit, founded in the Truth, is in contrast to legalistic worship that has requirements of specific places (Mecca, Jerusalem) and maintains barriers between Jews and Gentiles. Spiritual worship sets us free to love the unlovely as God has done with us.


after Jesus was glorified;

  • Jesus was glorified in His death John 12:23-24

    • as perfect obedience to will of Father

    • as perfect substitutionary sacrifice for those whose trust in Jesus as only Lord and Savior

      • The Lamb sacrificed restores us to the relationship God had with man in Eden.

  • Poured out on believers on Day of Pentecost (50 days after the cross) Acts2


whoever believes in Jesus

  • Not Varsity and Junior Varsity Christians some with the Spirit and some who might yet achieve it. 1Corinthian12:3-7, 13; Ephesians4:7-12

  • Not only for the benefit of believers. Only believers receive the Holy Spirit indwelling. But because it is “rivers,” it benefits more than just the recipient. John7:38; John4:14

Jesus is glorified. So now you can receive refreshing (recovery of breath) from the Lord. NOTE: “recovery of breath” as when something precious to you has been lost or taken away and it causes that hit-in-the-stomach feeling that takes your breath away... God-the Holy Spirit restores your breath when you repent and turn again to God. Acts 3:19-20 (re. Acts 3:20 note that the Holy Spirit's name is Jesus)

If the Holy Spirit has shown you that Jesus is the sacrifice (Lamb) for your sin. Repent, turn to God from running your life, and you will receive new life, new breath. The Holy Spirit will come to live in you and through you. He will convince you that Jesus is the Savior. He will allow you, help you worship God. He will help you relate to holy God. And, He, the Holy Spirit, will gift you to bless the church and be a blessing through the church to people around you in Jesus' name.

Next week we will look at Holy Spirit fortifying, indwelling, teaching, reminding, testifying, convicting, guiding, glorifying, and being received in John chapters 14-16 and 20.

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