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Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Foundation of Reform - a Sure Word
2Peter 1:16-21

Peter points his audience to a standard by which to measure teacher, missions, and experiences. That standard is the Word of God. Peter had experiences to share, but the authentication of his ministry and his words was God's Spirit breathed holy scripture.

Many church folks are hoping for and praying for revival. But many times the our definition of revival is connected to feelings or experiences. Here, Peter does not express a desire to have another Mount of Transfiguration experience, instead he makes reference to that as a way of reminding listeners of the glory of Jesus, He then goes on to point to the fact that our present hope in Jesus and the hope of His coming again will be as real to us as is our confidence in Scripture as the sure revelation of God. Our lives will be as lively and our church will be as living and our evangelism will be as effective as is our faithfulness to holy scripture. Revival accompanies reform.

Let us consider what Peter would be preaching if he based his message on his experience.

HOPELESS in SIN Luke 5:2-8

  • The presence of Jesus results in big catches of fish but such conviction of sin that there is no hope of fellowship or relationship.


  • Invite Jesus into your home and your mother-in-law will not only recover from her ailments but will love your buddies and take care of them.

WALKING ON WATER Matthew 14:28

  • The way to test for the presence of Jesus is to attempt to ski without skis or a boat.


Matthew 16:16

  • Whatever you say is God inspired.


  • You can be a bold protector of the faith … or can you?


  • God wants us to see visions of Old Testament saints

  • and real Christians hear the audible voice of God


  • Jesus commands us to figure our taxes and fish until we get enough to pay our taxes and our friend's taxes

DENYING JESUS Matthew 26:33-35; 74

  • Jesus knows you are going to deny him so learn some worldly language and just roll with flow to protect your own tail.

However, Peter did not point to or preach his experiences. Instead he pointed people to the whole Bible, which points to Jesus as God in the flesh, virgin- born, sinless, loving sinners even in their sin but not willing to leave them there, substitutionary sacrifice, crucified Redeemer, risen Savior, resurrected Lord, seated in Glory, interceding for the saved, returning soon in victory... as told in the Old Covenant and in the New by men as they were moved (inspired to write) by God the Holy Spirit.

If your experience, your doctrine, your tradition does not line up with the “more sure word” of God then set your things aside in favor of God's Word.

2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,

2Ti 3:17 that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.

2Pe 1:20 knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation.

2Pe 1:21 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

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